Great Plains Pointer Rescue
Nebraska and Iowa
Before you begin, PLEASE READ:
Please complete the application in full and be willing to provide 2 personal references and a veterinarian reference(s). If we are not able to reach the references listed, or the answers are not complete, the application process will be void and will not be processed.
Unfortunately, this form can be finicky if completed on a phone or mobile device. If you do not receive an email confirmation, we did not receive your form! If you have any troubles, please email
Thank you for your interest in our program.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Which dog are you interested in? Choose an animal: Rosie
If the dog you applied for is not available, would you like us to continue processing your application for another possible match if one should arise in the near future?
Are you 19 or over? * Choose one: Yes No
How many people reside in your household? Please list number of adults, relation to each other, number of children, and ages of any children:
Is everyone aware of the possibility of a new dog in the home? Choose one: Yes No
If there are minor children in the household, are you prepared to supervise them with the dog, teach them about toys, proper behavior around dogs, how to pet them, feeding and other care? (if you have no children, please enter NA)
Do you own or rent your home? Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number:
What is the place of employment for all household adults?*
Does anyone in the home have allergies to animals?
How many miles are you willing to travel to get your new dog?
Have you applied with other rescues/shelters in searching for a dog? If so, who?
Have you ever owned a GSP or Pointing Breed?
Have you ever owned/adopted a rescue dog before?
In what ways have you educated yourself about pointing breeds?
What is your timeline to adopt? (weeks, months, up to a year)
Please describe what your ideal dog would be like:
Do you have a preference to gender and age?
What activity level are you looking for in your GSP/Pointer? (Very High, moderate, low, etc)
Do you intend to crate train your dog? If not, please explain why.
Are you willing to attend training classes with your dog? If not, please explain why.
Is someone home during the day?
About how many hours will the dog spend alone on a daily basis without human supervision?
Where will he/she spend time when no one is home? (crate, gated area, heated garage, free roam in the home, fenced in yard, outside kennel)
Where will the dog sleep? (crate, dog bed, family member's bed)
What activities do you enjoy with your dog? (hunting, swimming, hiking, running, walks)
What behavior can you work with? Please be specific i/e potty training, chewing, leash walking, etc.
Are you willing to give a new dog at least 6 months to adjust to you, your family, and his/her new environment and household rules?
Are you aware that pointing breeds can be prey driven with cat's, rodents, birds and smaller dogs?
Is your yard fenced?
What type of fence Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible
If you have a fence, is it secure, in good condition and operational (if invisible) ? (no gaps, breaches, and secure gates)
Please list all animals that are under your care. Please include gender, age, etc. If you have no other animals, please enter none. (if you own livestock or fowl, please be sure to note this)
Are your current pets spayed/neutered? if not, please explain why.
If your former pet(s) no longer reside with you, please explain the reason for separation and estimated dates of ownership:
Please check here if you do not have history seeing a veterinarian (first time pet owner, etc.)
Please list all veterinarian's you have used and their contact information:*
Please list the name of the person's account the vetting records are under:
Are you financially prepared to handle all vet care needs including emergencies, illness, cancer, or other health issues?
Please list 2 references with names and phone numbers who are familiar with you and your current/former pets’ day to day living. Please do not list significant others, family members, or anyone currently living in your residence. (Note: a couple does not count as 2 references, only 1.) *
For what reasons would you give up on a dog?
How did you hear about GPPR?*
Is there anything else we should know in order to help us match you with the right dog?
Have you reviewed and understand our Adoption Info/FAQ's tab?
Great Plains Pointer Rescue, Inc., also known as GPPR, its volunteers, coordinators, and representatives; and any other person, firm or corporation involved with the efforts or business of this group, shall not be held liable or responsible for any and all claims, damages, costs, expenses, loss of services, actions and causes of action incurred as a result of the provision or restriction of information, services, contacts, adoptions, fostering, veterinary care or by the actions of any and all dogs transferred or referenced herein. It should be understood that applications for dog adoptions and for volunteering are subject to acceptance based on a review process that may require collecting information from references. Decisions on placing dogs in adoptive and foster homes is an 'art,' not a 'science' -- there might be times when applications will be denied for various reason(s). The GPPR organization reserves the right to make all decisions regarding placement or final disposition of any rescued dog in its care whether in, or being placed in, a foster or adoptive home or other facility. There is absolutely no guarantee made or implied that any person, or persons, requesting to adopt a GSP or Pointer or Mix of being fostered through GPPR, or posted on GPPR's website, will be granted an adoption! No representations. GREAT PLAINS POINTER RESCUE, INC. (GPPR) is making no representations or warranties about the condition, personality, or temperament of the dogs available. The dog(s) is/are for domestic purposes only. The dog (s) was previously unwanted or lost and may have been rescued from a dangerous, unhealthy and/or cruel situation. It is possible that this may have long-lasting effects on the pet and may make the pet unpredictable under certain conditions. GREAT PLAINS POINTER RESCUE, INC will have limited, if any, knowledge of what transpired PRIOR TO the dog entering our rescue, or what COULD TRANSPIRE once placed into an adoptive home. GPPR makes no guarantees how a dog behaves in a home, past history, or future ramifications of said dog. Because a dog is a living and breathing animal, there is no way to predict whether a past illness, behavior, etc known or unknown, will reoccur in the future, or, if there will be future ramifications of said illness. I certify that the information entered on this applicant is true and I/we understand. PLEASE sign and date: